


Geometry Dash The Lightning Road

63 players

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What is Geometry Dash The Lightning Road?

Geometry Dash The Lightning Road is a 10-star Easy Demon level designed and published by Timeless. This is the final level in Demon Pack 3. Many players consider this level to be one of the easiest in the game, as it was rated low difficulty by the Devil himself. There are a few simple areas throughout the level.

Game Rules

The level features very simple sections. A basic regular speed cube segment will unlock the level. The first block is really easy to pass and not challenging at all. The following sequence is a short train sequence that takes a single long input. Then there is a rudimentary shadow portion and an equally basic cube section. Even when the background darkens, the threats remain visible.

Then there's a series of basic ball segments and ship sequences, followed by a little more challenging block and ball part that requires the player to remember which way to go. The level concludes the ship and cube series. The player will be able to complete the level because the final block requires no input.

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