


Geometry Dash Tetris Zone

36 players

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What is Geometry Dash Tetris Zone?

Geometry Dash Tetris Zone, designed by Experience D, is a crazy level with 8 stars. It appears in the Mortal Pack and is the first level. The Tetris zone is well-known for its creative design and Tetris-inspired concept. The level design was acclaimed for its usage of Tetris-inspired motifs, with blocks that closely resembled the images from the original game. Despite criticism for its difficulty and intricacy, the level is still beloved in the community owing to its unique design and demanding gameplay.


The Tetris region begins with a block screen that poses numerous hurdles to the player. The following section features a UFO with a dark background that asks players to move around various structures similar to Tetris blocks. The game then progresses to the ship section, in which the player must fly around a variety of odd constructions.

Next, the spacecraft is a difficult cube with numerous intricate traps. The ball part is error-based and presents a significant challenge for the player. Here's another train stretch where you have to move carefully between platforms.

The game then progresses to a UFO portion with a gravity change, followed by another ship segment with navigation options similar to those found in ToE. The level continues with a short cube portion and another UFO section where the player must fly above harmful structures. Much of the final block is made out of car pieces, and the level concludes with a UFO level.

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