Geometry Dash Lion

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What is Geometry Dash Lion?

Geometry Dash Lion roars onto the scene as an ultra-high-level demon level designed to test the skills and endurance of players. With a booming roar and a lively soundtrack, this level promises an adrenaline-fueled experience like no other. Created by Destriv, Geometry Dash Lion presents a deadly challenge filled with nasty traps and unforgiving obstacles, making it a true test of skill and determination.


As players navigate through Geometry Dash Lion, they must prepare themselves for a relentless onslaught of obstacles and challenges. From the moment they enter the level, they'll be faced with deadly traps ready to tear negligent players to pieces. With a difficulty rating of 10 stars, Geometry Dash Lion promises to punish any amateur who dares to underestimate its brutality. Players must stay on high alert, dodging saw blades and chasing down a stream of impending objects, with their status always set to fight-or-flight.


  • Intense Gameplay: Geometry Dash Lion delivers an intense and exhilarating gameplay experience from start to finish. Players will find themselves on edge as they navigate through mountainous terrain, facing tense and dramatic moments at every turn. With unforgiving traps and obstacles lurking around every corner, players must rely on quick reflexes and precise timing to survive.

  • Dynamic Soundtrack: The EDM soundtrack of Geometry Dash Lion adds to the adrenaline-fueled atmosphere of the game. As players dodge saw blades and chase down objects, the lively music sets the pace and adds to the sense of urgency. Each beat and melody enhances the gameplay experience, keeping players engaged and immersed in the action.

  • Brutal Hunting Theme: Inspired by apex predators, Geometry Dash Lion features gameplay that depicts brutal hunting at its finest. Players must adopt a fight-or-flight mentality as they navigate through the level, constantly on the lookout for traps and obstacles that threaten to tear them apart. With its mountainous terrain and deadly traps, Geometry Dash Lion offers a thrilling and immersive gaming experience that will keep players coming back for more.

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