


Geometry Dash Clubstep V2

56 players

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What is Geometry Dash Clubstep V2?

Geometry Dash Clubstep V2, as the title implies, is a remake of RobTop's Clubstep, one of the three main Demon levels.

This level was once known as Hard Devil, but it is now often regarded as Medium Devil. Clubstep V2 is not much harder than the previous portion, and it appears to be level 1.6. Be careful, because this level needs players to be more active because they do not have much time to relax. The section about the ball was probably the easiest (43%), while the one about the ship on its side was probably the most difficult (88%).


The initial half of the level is the regular speed cube segment, which is difficult to remember because it contains numerous jumping orb traps, triple spikes, dimension and gravity gates, and other complex obstacles. The new level is quite similar to the old one, but much more challenging. To complete this section, players must pay attention to the time.

The player will next enter a challenging ship scene that is comparable to the original but more difficult. To overcome this, one must be able to distinguish between actual and artificial spikes. They also encounter multiple gravity gates, which can knock the player back.

Players will then enter a brief auto-block section, followed by a simple mini-block region where they simply need to know which jump balls to strike and which are traps. At this time, its length is its most appealing feature. This sector ends with another line of automobile blocks.

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